(no subject)

Aug 27, 2003 20:11

Owwie... Maren suuuuuun buuuurned. And god dammit, I was putting lotion on every two hours and I *still* get cooked! ::curses her white completion:: My poor upper back is fried, as well as a little big of the back of my arms.

But, other then my current semblance of a lobster, the car wash went well. Raised another 200 dollars for Tiger Gymnastics, so we're that much closer to getting those new competition leos. Well, my mom and her team are that much closer to getting new leos, I was just volunteered to help. Which I really don't mind, cause water *fun*! But, it still sucks that I always seem to get sunburned at these fundraiser.

Car wash was done by around 4, and then we headed over to the fair grounds cause my parents have a booth there in the history tent again this year about Powers Bluff. It was pretty active, especially considering it's the first day and it's starting a day earlier then it usually does. But, I went and found my photos so I would know where to look after they do the judging tomorrow. Then mum and I wandered around a little bit, though we didn't see very much. Was still fun though, and the extra company of a friend my parents know who's around my age was fun. I know her sister's name is Elizabeth, but I can't for the life of me remember her's at the moment. Anyhoo, it was fun.

Aaaand now I'm gonna go brave the wealth of posts I'm sure have accumulated on my Friends, since I haven't checked em since last night around midnight. :)

gymnastics, fair, ow, powers bluff

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