Friday Five: Fandom questions for the most part

Aug 23, 2003 13:28

So. 3 hours and a half dozen 2 minute connects to the internet later, I have finished my friends! (and I just porned that)

Now, I have to do another two loads of laundry and finish getting my pictures for the fair mounted on tag board, as well as probably vacuum and shake out the rugs. Fun! (not)
Buuuuuut, not before I slack off for another 10 minutes and do a Friday Five. :)

1. Name the worst movie you have ever watched. (you don't have to have sat through the whole thing)
I'm sure there are plenty, but I can't think of any at the moment

2. Name one or more actors/actresses that you will avoid a movie, show, play etc because they are involved.
Leonardo DiCaprio (unless he dies, hopefully rather painfully) and Clint Eastwood (I dunno why I don't like him, I just do... always have)

3. Name the squickiest pairing or pairings for which you've actually seen/read fic.
I make it a point to *not* read pairings like that

4. Name a fandom that just makes you say "someone actually reads/writes fic for that?"
Power Rangers smut fic... just... ew... xp (Yes, I have seen this. No, I have not read it. Cause... did I mention ew?)

5. Name one thing about being in fandom you could live without.
People who DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THE FRICKIN SPELL CHECK! I freely admit to not being able to spell all that great, meaning I use spell check avidly. (I even have the option set to automatically spell check my LJ before I post it) And even without spell check, usually what I end up doing when spelling something wrong is adding an extra 'e' or having too many 'l's or mixing up the vowels, meaning you can still tell what I'm talking about. Fic with spelling errors that should have been caught by spell check bug the hell outta me.

chores, fandom

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