Shortish survey (cause I feel like spamming LJ)

Jul 01, 2003 17:42

Age you had for first kiss: ::sighs: N/A, sadly
Biggest turn on in the opposite sex: Eyes and hair
Coolest movie soundtrack: Oy... Don't make me choose!
Dumbest thing you ever did: lotsa stuff, I'm sure
Easiest test ever taken: Eye test. (keeping rubarabadom's answer)
Funniest moment with your best friend: I'm not sure, but it involved laughing.
Greatest song to make out to: Um.... The Horny song?
How long was your longest relationship?: Never had a relationship beyond friendship, though I'm pretty sure there were a few guys that had a crush on me.
Is there really such a thing as true love: Depends on what you think "True Love" is.
Joke you love the most?: Dunno... good, bad, and ugly ones. You name em, I make em. :)
Kiss you liked the least: Never been kissed... yes, I am a sad sad internet geek girl who doesn't get out enough.
Last movie you saw in the theater: X-Men 2 (sticking to rubarabadom's answer again with "I have to see another movie so that this is not always the answer to that frelling question." Before that it was LOTR - Two Towers, so... yeah)
Most attractive rock star: Haven't a clue
Nastiest fight you ever had: Never had a nasty fight, unless you count me throwing hard objects at my brother when I was like 10, if not younger.
Oldest friend: Um... I think I've known Cristin for the longest... 6 years I think? Emma would be next with 5. {{{hugs her friends}}}}
People person: People peace-keeper, at times. Beyond that, yeah, I guess. It pertains to the people I'm a person with. (YAY alliteration!)
Quickest you've ever gotten ready to go out: It never takes me more then a half an hour to get ready for anything, including shower (I take long showers). I'm usually ready to go in 5 minutes or less
Raid the fridge; what do you pick out: Depends on what I'm in the mood for, which is usually something we don't *have*
Uber-awesome moment in your life: Um. Damn, make me think about it why doncha... ::thinks:: I think any moment spent with my close friends laughing so hard we were crying... those are more then worthy for this question.
Vacations: Only serious vacation we ever took... went down to Texas (Houston, for the most part) to visit a family friend who had moved down there and went to Houston's kick-ass zoo as well as the NASA command center and Sea World in San Antonio. (Loved all three)
Weekend plans: ah... Don't have any yet. At least I don't think I do
X-rated movies: Never seen one
Yesterday's regrets: Too many to name... A few of the biggies, though, would be losing touch with old friends and never believing I was "good enough" to continue on in gymnastics until it was too late.
Zestfully clean: At the moment? Sweaty and covered in mud (at least my shirt and arms are... might be some on my face, too)

And there was another one he did along with that one (the "30 things you never needed to know about me" one that's been goin' round), but I don't feel like doing it at the moment.

meme, dirty, survey

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