veeeeery random post

Jun 30, 2003 17:25

I just made a noise sounding remarkably like a baby sheep or goat... ::tries to make it again:: neaaaaa ... I think that's close to what it was...
Why did I make a noise like a baby herd animal, you ask? Cause I was working off line(that little option in the 'file' menu you can use to visit sites you've already opened without going online), but then I got online to take a quiz but forgot to switch it back to off line before going back to my friends page and had a shit load of more posts to read... And you really prolly have no interest what so ever in why I make animal noises, but hey, I warned you I was being very random. :)

Have lessons from 9 until 12 Mon-Thurs these next two weeks... meaning if I'm on MSN messenger in the mornings, or MSN says I'm on, it's prolly not me. MSN is refusing to be disabled or uninstalled on my gramma's computer, so it keeps signing in under my user name cause of that one time I used it down there... frelling annoying cause Gram is booting me everytime she gets online... ::makes face at disobedient MSN messenger::

My computer chair is really squeaky, and not in the fun way... in the "ow-my-poor-ears-are-they-bleeding?' way... I need to oil it. Have I even made the effort to find the WD40? Nope.

I get to go rearrange rocks in a few minutes... Well shiver-me-timbers, I'm quakin' in me boots wi' excitement... (can't you just *see* the sarcasm dripping off your screen and pooling underneath? Oh, watch your step around puddle... I think that one's still moving with undercurrents of spleen-age and yes, that word does work there. spleen: prickly, vexed displeasure)

::wiggles toes:: I reeeally need to repaint my toenails or take off the little "Starry Blue" that still remains kinda congregated in the middle of 'em...

I have been craving egg rolls for the past like two weeks... Hell, Chinese in general sounds pretty damn good to me at the moment (the *food* you gutter-minded... though, yeah, some of those cute Asian guys I wouldn't mind getting' a taste of, either... ;) ) Why yes, it is that time of the month... How'd you guess? Anyone wanna get jumped by a horny teen?

Aaaand, there was more random stuff I was gonna say, but I have since forgotten what that was since starting this post... Too much chlorine on the brain, I guess... (and some doing that annoying "woosh-scriggl" noise in my ear... Hate it when that happens), and I suppose I should go out and accomplish something before I get anymore dirty looks from my parents. Flag-stone rocks, here I come! Wohoo! (ooo... watch out there, 'nother puddle of sarcasm to avoid... I reeeally don't think you wanna step in that stuff, it reminds me of the black, oily goo that can usually be found in the dark recesses of my mind... ;) )

swim lessons, random, spam, crazy, food

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