(no subject)

Jun 17, 2003 16:29

Had to work today. Mom and I are doing the adaptive swim classes at the YMCA this cycle. We have two kids signed up. Her's showed up. Mine didn't. So, I got paid for an hour of swimming laps. Good in a few ways, bad in another. Good because YAY free money! Bad because I had to spend an hour in a hot and humid pool deck waiting for a kid that didn't show up without cold water to drink and cool off with. So, yeah. But, such is life. The big pool is pretty cool, so I could go in there and wander around for a quick cool down, but since I was swimming laps, it got kinda warm.

Getting better at my driving, for all those who care. Can't park for the life of me, unless it's angled, but the rest I can do. Only thing I really have to watch is my speed. Maren's family has tendencies of getting a heavy foot, and the car I'm driving doesn't have any obvious cruise control. Today was the last day my temps were good, next Tuesday is when I take my test. I'm gonna keep on driving anyways, and hope I don't get caught and end up having to pay a fine.

Gotta go down and mow lawn for my gramma in a bit. It hooooooot outside, gonna have to change into shorts and a tank top. But, 50% chance of thunderstorms later this afternoon and evening, so YAY!
::looks out side:: ::makes face at skies that are still blue and cloudless:: Well, at least the weather person *said* there was a 50% chance of thunder storms today. I wouldn't be all that surprised if they were wrong... again.

Okies, gonna go take a nap now.

driving, swim lessons, weather, gramma, ymca, hot

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