(no subject)

Jun 05, 2003 10:43

Went down and hid from creepy uncle at my Gramma's last night. Twas a pretty walk down the road. Once there, I watched the last 15 minutes or so of the Celine Dion Live from Vegas (only it wasn't really live since it was a rerun) and then we sat on her couch and read for about an hour. I listened to my Returne to the Scottish Moores and Singing with Dolphins CDs. Good music to read to.
She went to bed about 10 and I imagin stayed up reading for another hour or two while I went on the computer and jabbered with my friends. Just an observence: AIM express sucks bull noogie. But, it let me talk with friends even though I had no AIM program on her computer, so I suppose it was worth the not being able to use quotations or type more then 10 words per post.
Went to bed around 12, tossed and turned for about an hour, got up and put on my Scottish Moores CD again, went right to sleep. YAY mood music type stuff!
Woke up around 5:30, stayed in bed until 8, got up and started making the bed and getting dressed and all that, came down stairs, wished Gramma a good morning, brushed teeth, ate some breakfast while Gramma called Mom and told her how nice the yard looked (my dad had mowed it for her yesterday afternoon), and then watched maybe an hour of the Early Show or whatever the morning news thingy on ABC is. Gramma told me after she had hung up that creepy uncle had left at around 10 pm last night, so I didn't need to hide from him. Ah, well, Gramma liked the company so I guess it was worth it.
I came home around 9 cause I had left my allergy meds at home and kinda needed em. Walk back was just as pretty as the walk down, and Maren found herself an aget while walking up the road, so YAY!

And, now I'm back home. Exciting night, no? :)

I very happy, if belated, birthday to mah Leo-love edenadvance
{{{{{{hugs Leo}}}}}} Sorry it's a day late, hunny. ME LOOOOVE YOU!!!

gramma, day summary, rocks

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