(no subject)

Jun 04, 2003 11:10

wearing shorts for the first time... in a very long time.
Only pair I had that still fit comfortably were my "short" short pair, or at least the shortest pair I really own, and though comfortably to a degree, they really like riding up when I sit down. Not up the ass so much, but the leg cuff thingies ride up my thighs to the point of being *very* short. Like, scrunch them up two-three inches and Look! It's my underware!
But, it's not like I intend on going anywhere today. I might go out and mow the lawn and run around doing yard work stuff, but beyond that I can keep my panties to myself. Not that I really *care* in anyone sees my underware (you're talking to a girl who sat up on the stage-sorta thing in the Commons in high school and we compared the color of our underware during lunch. Cristin always had the coolest... :D ), but I'm one who doesn't ware shorts that often cause my legs are all scared up from child-hood wipe-outs on the bike and a few cuts I got when swimming and sliced my leg on a broken bottle that prolly shoulda gotten stitches, but never did, case Psh, what's a little blood to ruin you're play time. :) I also had really bad eczema when I was younger, an was really self-conscious about all the scabs and dry, flaky skin on my legs. Thankfully, I got over the worst of that.
They don't look as bad as I always thought they did, actually. I have quite nice legs, if I do say so meself, just a few shiny scars here and there below the knee on each leg.. Maybe I'll start wearing shorts more often, get some other color for my legs besides pasty white. :) Might wanna invest in some new shorts, thought... ::stands up and straightens the ones she's wearing again::


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