(no subject)

Jun 03, 2003 14:34

I also feel fuzzy kinda... ya know, kinda groggy but wide awake? Like, my brain is still going down the highway at 60 mph but the rest of me is sitting sprawled out in front of the computer. It's a kinda weird feeling.

Anyhoo, went into town with my mom this morning. Not cause I had anything to do, but because Maren reeeally needs to work on her driving since her temps run out on the 16. So, I've been trying to drive every opportunity I get. I'm pretty decent at the highway driving. I would also be pretty decent at city driving, but I haven't done a whole lot of that as of yet. I drove from the YMCA to ShopCo and then from ShopCo back up to the viaduct, but that's all the city driving I've done within the last two or three years. I'm always so tence when I drive, so when I can finely get out at home the lower right side of my back is all sore and tenace. I just don't like driving... I hate having that little control over that big a machine. I mean, seriously, if you think about it? You got this vehicle that is close to a ton in weight, if not more, and all you have to control where it goes is two pedals and a steering wheel, and a clutch and a stick added to that if it's manual. I just... ain't comfortable behind the wheel, something I hope I'll get over if I ever wanna enjoy a road trip with my friends.

So, yes. Maren drove a bunch today. Go me!
She also carried a big bag of potting soil for her mother, weighing like 28 ks. That was an interesting (and slightly painful) experience since sweaty skin and plastic bag packed with dirt don't really get alone. There was a red mark along my arm where the bag had sorta stuck on the damp skin and it was kinda like pinching. I also pinched a nerve in my hip where I had it resting. That hurt. A lot.
But! I SURPASSED THE PAIN! FOR I AM *STRONG*!! Well, not really, it only hurt for a bit. :)

Mom and I drove into the driveway to discover my uncle John's car sitting down next to the garage, so now the three of them are jabbering in the kitchen over steak and lemon pie.
And now he's bitching about his "stupid wife," only said louder and with a few sware words thrown in there... Have I ever mentioned how much I really don't like my uncle John? I mean, I know he's not, but he always reminds me of a spoiled mama's boy, and I wouldn't trust him alone in the same room with me. It's just this... feeling I get about him. It's prolly nothing, but... ::shudders::

And, that is my day so far. I imagine I'll be heading down to my Gramma's in a bit to mow lawn and maybe dig up some wild flowers for my mom. Exciting, huh?

driving, ugh, day summary

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