(no subject)

May 04, 2003 09:21

Ugh... I hate frelling colds.
So, yeah, Maren is still sick, and possibly even worse then it was yesterday cause now it seems the cold has migrated to my chest. Though I'm not hacking up a lung yet, I still got that tight/scratchy sore feeling in my lungs, and my nose is all stuffed up. Blecky... xp

So, Maren is gonna stay home again today, even though she *really* wanted to go to this flower and herb walk over on Powers Bluff today. One of the people my dad worked with or knows about from the whole "Save Powers Bluff" thing is doing a trail walk where he's gonna identify all the flowers and plants up there and what medicinal value they have. And I really wanted to go to it, but I don't think romping around in a wet and probably slightly chilly woods all day will do any good for this cold. My mom is going to it, though, so maybe she'll take notes for me? :)

My dad is also sick. Dunno if it's the same crud I have or if it's something totally different. So, he's gonna hang in bed until around noon when he's gonna head in and replace my mom at out display table so she can go *do* the Powers Bluff thing.

Mom and I also have a mandatory meeting at the YMCA tonight. Fun fun fun. I guess it's for all staff at the Y, a chance to meet and talk to out new supervisor, Brett something or another I think. Whoever he is, he's really baring down on things all over the YMCA services. He's had the white life guard deck chairs that we used when there were less then 10 people in the pool removed, so now lifeguards have to stand and walk around deck their entire 4 hour shift, or they have to go up in the high chairs. Apparently he's doing this because the lifeguards weren't appearing as active as they should be and they weren't walking around the deck every 5-10 minutes like they should have been. The few times I've lifeguarded there I always walked the deck like it says we're supposed to do in the book, so I'm kinda bitter about the more regular life guards not doing it and making the few of us who do suffer. ::growls and hisses::

And that's pretty much my day. Gonna go back to bed now.

ugh, work, sick, powers bluff, rock and gem show

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