(no subject)

Apr 22, 2003 19:37

Logan from Dark Angel is on JAG tonight. Cool.
Damn, I forgot how tall he was...

Just... Damn.

They're doing this sorta JAG/CSI mix (except it's different characters and it's the NCSI or something like that instead of CSI. But, same sorta idea as CSI. And JAG+CSI=damn
It sucks you in and no let you go. I hope this isn't the season final. ::gnaws fingernails::

FUCK! "To be continued..." I hate those three words.
But, happily, it's not the season finally, cause they had advertisements for next week... So YAY!

In other news... ::curses TNT::
The booted Charmed for stupid basketball playoffs! The sewer scum stinkies! (look! See Maren devolve to 4 years old and throw a hissy fit!... okay, so not really... but it still sucks bull-noogie... ::pouts:: )

::points at TV:: Bad to the Bone. YAY Ben, though I haven't seen him yet. But, it has Jermey London in it... He might be a jack ass in RL, but he's a cute one. :D

Look! It's Jake from Witchblade! And he's gettin' some... Why am I not surprised? :)

Okies, have to go do dishes now.

jag, ncis, spoilers, spam, witchblade

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