(no subject)

Apr 15, 2003 18:19

hehee... livejournal.com has a cute add for their new shirts now... :D

Was in town from like quarter to 10 to past two. Got most of what I wanted to done, missed a few groceries but that's about all I didn't accomplish. I went to the high school and signed a sheet saying they could send over my official records to the UW, now all I have to wait for is an acceptance letter, and if I get that, then I have to worry about having enough money to pay for it. ::gnaws fingernails::
Went to Target and looked around a little, but since we were kinda on a time squeeze I didn't get a chance to browse through anything but the things I had written down on a list. Saw Beth, but didn't get a chance to talk to her because she was really busy. I wanna talk to her soon because we're going over to visit Toby, a friend we met at Silver Mound a few years ago, on Friday and wanted to invite her along. I know she's prolly busy this weekend and wouldn't be able to come, but I wanted to invite her none the less.

Also had Chinese for lunch... It was nummy. Maren ate waaaaaaaaay too much and had to take smallish breaths for about a half hour after eating for fear of throwing up because she ate so much. But it was good, so well worth the tummy ache afterwards.

And that's it. I'm so exciting, aren't I.. :)

application process, food

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