Fic Rec Spam! (you know you missed them)

Nov 14, 2015 20:20

All the new fics I've read and liked enough to save this past year-and-a-halfish but which never got posted. Because lazy. So lazy I can't even remember what most of them are about, but eh, odds are they're still pretty darn great.

So, in no particular order:

It's All Smooth Sailing From Here - by Kansas42
The Avengers Movie Night is all Bruce's fault. Tony wants to be absolutely clear on that.

"Earth's Mightiest Heroes" .... (Oh Boy...) - by Lsusanna

The Avengers are not badass. They are dorks. Here is the proof.

The PR department tries, it really does. Coulson is not amused, he never is. Clint’s puppy eyes don’t (always) cut it. Fury thinks the team is a bad influence on his agents, he is very disappointed in them.


A sometimes-genderbent series of short, fluffy, stand-alone ficlets featuring our favorite Super Secret Boy Band and Co.

It Was Probably The Pudding by Serendipity_Cometh

Given that over the course of the past eleven months Peter Parker hasn't contracted so much as a head-cold, the teenager thought it safe to assume that the whole 'irradiated spider bite' gig had equipped him with an immune system of steel that rivalled Captain America's.

So when he wakes up one night in the midst of the worst asthma attack he's suffered in almost eight years, neither he nor the rest of the team can think of a logical explanation.
And everything sort of goes downhill from there.

(Set in an Alternative Universe where Peter moved into the Avengers’ Tower following the events of The Amazing Spider-Man.)

It's Just Another Day - by Wordwitch

When things began hitting the fan in DC, and Steve and Natasha had to get help from a retired vet, what was Tony Stark doing? In fact, what were all of the rest of the Avengers doing?

Or, They ain't just a buncha musclebound meatheads, you know?
Takes place during and after the events of Captain America: The Winter Solider.

Star Trek Reboot

Inevitability - by galaxysoup
A little bit of Bones and Spock Prime after the events of the first movie

Stargate Atlantis/SG1

Retrograde by LtLJ
The Atlantis expedition has been lost for three years. SG-1 goes to find them, and arrives just a little too late. And by too late (if I am recalling correctly), author does not mean dead, just incredibly distrustful - and for very good reason.

The Mummy
Lady of The Two Lands - Niki - The Mummy Series
She is a mother, a daughter, a wife, and a lover; a scholar, a librarian, a spy, a princess, and a queen.

Sleepy Hollow
Five Times North Star Assistance Helped The English Guy - Fyre - Sleepy Hollow (TV) by Fyre
Title pretty much says it all. And while I recall a few writerly irritants in the story, I also recall spending 10 minutes searching variations of "sleepy hollow + fic + Northstar" in Google in an attempt to find the story again a few months after I initally read it.

star trek, sg1, sleepy hollow, avengers, the mummy, sga, fic recs

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