This, You Protect by owlet. The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect. Bucky (Winter Solider)/Steve friendship; no pairing as of the moment unless Barnes/coffee counts.
This one is not actually from my "to read" folder, so bit of a set back in my "READ ALL THE THINGS!" quest to clear it out. However, I am linking it before I even finish the story because it is Just That Awesome. At first I was skeptical - Winter Solider/The Asset has had his mind fucked with too many times for me to believe he would still retain much Snarkiness without a serious mental break down and epic catastrophic brainwashing failure, but I got over it pretty quick because BUCKY! It is also incredibly refreshing to read a Winter Solider-centric story that isn't All Angst, All The Time. I love the guy, but man... Heart breaker (and not in a good way) and five paces, yo.