Avengers - In Which the Avengers Take Exception to the Army Meddling in Their Affairs

Nov 03, 2014 22:50

In Which the Avengers Take Exception to the Army Meddling in Their Affairs by megster. The first chapter title, Four Times the Avengers Thwart the Army (and One Time They Don't), actually sums up the story quite nicely. Ross wants Bruce. The Avengers have Bruce and really, really, REALLY don't want to give him up. Ross ignores their combine threat and kidnaps Bruce anyway.

Ross really isn't that bright.

I've actually read this story several times, but it never made it to my recs list because while this story is complete, the other stories in the series aren't completed yet and I was hoping to link the whole thing. But it's been more than two years without any updates, so I figure I'll just post the complete one if nothing else. The third part of the series, In Which the Council Makes a Truly Stupid Ass Decision, is also awesome and totally worth a read even if it is unfinished. It doesn't even end on a huge on a cliffhanger, so bonus.

avengers, fic recs

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