On the movie Frozen

Mar 18, 2014 21:29

(Crossposted from Facebook)

I have seen Frozen. And I am actually incredibly disappointed. ::ducks all the rotten produce that the world just threw at her::

Anna saving her sister was and will remain awesome and a good role model for little girls for years to come.

But what really, *really* irked me is how little Elsa did to save herself. She had her powers her whole life, but she never really seemed to do anything to control them, choosing to lock herself away in her room instead. Also, everyone who knows me even a little bit knows that one of my biggest, BIGGEST pet peeves is "lying to someone for their own good". So instead of telling her sister what was wrong, she just hid in her room and Anna was left to think that it was something she had done, that her sister had for all intents and purposes abandoned her for no reason, and didn't even love her enough to be there for her when their parents died. That is not how you treat someone you love, and it pretty much teaches the lesson "It's okay to lie and keep secrets as long as it is for someone's own good." Which, No. Not even a little bit.

Also? Hans would've made a good king. Unless the kindness he showed to the kingdom WHEN ANNA AND ELSA ABANDONED IT was all just for show (which if asked, is the excuse that the writers would probably use) he actually took pretty darned good care of everyone right up until the last 10 minutes or so, and even had his plan succeeded, he would only be screwing himself over if he suddenly turned all Evil Queen on everyone as soon as Anna and Elsa were out of the picture. Seemed kind of tacked on when they made him the bad guy all of a sudden, like they had written the whole movie and went "Oh, wait! We forgot to add a bad guy and the final draft is due in fifteen minutes! QUICK, SOMEONE THINK OF A WAY TO MAKE ONE OF THE CHARACTERS EVIL!!!"

Maybe I need to watch it a few more times for it to win me over or something, but otherwise I'm definitely not sold on the movie. Apparently my taste in family films verses those of the rest of the world are vastly different. I wasn't overly impressed by Happy Feet or Finding Nemo, either.

spoilers, movies, disney

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