(no subject)

Mar 28, 2003 18:13

So. Interview went well. The camp looks so much better then it last year. It was incredably run down and worn, and didn't look loved at all. It was right after the guy who had been running the place retired, and the one who came after him just plain sucked at his job. But, now the son of the dude who ran it before (the good one) is running it, and it looks much much better.
So, yeah, interview went well, or at least I think it did. Brad said he would call by Monday to say if i got the job or not. I'm guardedly opptimistic. I'm hoping I get the job, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up too high for fear they'll get shot down as they have at the past two jobs I applied to. So, keeping my fingers crossed.

In other news, still tired. Gonna go read LJ and watch Dead Zone now.

job search, lucerne, job interview

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