On the movie Real Steel, the story of a boy and his robot and his dad Wolverine...

Jul 14, 2013 19:24

Hmm. I got nothing, really. A twist of the typical underdog story (Robots!) with a predictable plot line (Boxing Robots!) that I still found strangely compelling. Brilliant in it's simplicity! So simple, in fact, that if you dig out your old Rock 'Em Sock 'Em game circa 1970 and go a few rounds with your bros, you could save yourself the rental ( Read more... )


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rensong July 15 2013, 04:28:29 UTC
I am actually quite suspicious that that game is what the whole film was based around. I had a teeny tiny hope that the writers would take advantage of the ::::SPOILERS, highlight the blank space if you want to read them:::: "beloved machine comes to life" plot-twist they may or may not have been intentionally hinting at in little blips through out the film; two instances where their fighting robot was down and not responding to any directions, vocal or otherwise, but he finally responded, flickering back to life and wobbling back onto his feet when the cute little kid did a slightly teary and all desperate yell for him to "GET UP! PLEASE!", and once when the robot was sitting alone in the ready room before a big fight, without either of his handlers there, staring at himself in a mirror long enough that I was totally rooting for him to twitch or tilt his head or SOMETHING to indicate that he was maybe a little more than just a machine with a remote control. But alas, they did not take advantage of the set up. It would've made the movie way more interesting AND it would've given it huge brownie points for me, personally, as that is quite possibly one of my favorite plot twists of all time and probably why I love the first two Transformers movies so damn much, even in all their cheesy not-so-goodness. :D


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