Castle 4x23 - Always

Sep 09, 2012 17:12

Lacking any other series that caught my eye (finished with my White Collar rewatch except for last season's finale, which I feel like I just saw. And if I had actually succeeded in finding Sea Quest streaming for free somewhere earlier today, I still wouldn't have watched), I finally watched the Castle season four finale, "Always". As expected, I am less than happy with the episode. I spoiled myself way back in May and knew it was coming, so less grumpy than I would've been otherwise, but still... less than happy.

That shouting match between Beckett and Castle should've happened within the first five episodes of the season, not a year later. They could've even spent a few episodes after the reveal being angry and pissy with each other - not my favorite way to create The Drama, but I'd take it if it meant we would've eventually gotten to see them acting like adults and Getting Over It realistically instead of two minutes of "Fuck you for lying to me" and "I won't watch you destroy yourself", followed ten minutes later by "OMG you were right and I am sorry for yelling at you for lying to me!" and falling into each others arms, because obviously lying to someone is okay as long as it is for their own good. A *whole freaking season* of lying from Castle, and Beckett is the one who apologizes for over-reacting when she finds out? Bullshit.

(my pet peeves, let me show them to you)

Also... It was *Helo*, people! TAMOH PENIKETT! Pretty boy bad-ass who took on the Cylons more than once and won! Seriously, it could've been *awesome*! It could've been *fantastic*, a climax worthy of being on a season finale! Except he only got five lines and the fight on the roof wasn't nearly as impressive as it should've been.

However, I will admit these three things count as positives:

First, possibly most importantly - Ryan and Esposito, you guys continue to rock. Even if the Bro-mance has taken a hit with one leaving and the other staying, you guys both did what you thought was the right thing to do and I love you for that.

Second, smooshy though it kind of was, I did rather like Alexis's speech. And I *love* that Castle was there, at his daughters graduation were he was supposed to be, and not chasing Beckett over the rooftops.

And lastly, shallowly, I really liked the music playing during That Scene at the end, even if I didn't much care for the actual Scene itself. (That is not to say that I wouldn't have been *all over* the making out against the door during a storm under any other circumstances, I just was Not Pleased with the actions and admissions that led to the making out in the first place).

So. Four months later, I finally give my two cents on the Castle season finale. Hope springs eternal that season five will have a more promising start.

And now I am going to go watch the series from the beginning to try and remember why I used to love it so.

spoilers, castle

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