My thoughts on the Grimm season premier

Aug 27, 2012 11:05


Aw, man. This is going to get complicated, isn't it.

One of the things I absolutely adore about this series is Juliette, and her solid, (mostly) happy and well developed relationship with Nick. There is none of the UST that so many shows depend on these days to keep viewers, which means they have to focus on the mystery and the crime solving and character development instead. Also, Juliette herself is just awesome and should get way more screen time than she does.

I will be very, very unhappy if they take that relationship away, or if they have to rebuild it from scratch because of a bastard prince with A Plan, even if I do rather like Renard and his wonderfully complicated shades-of-greyness otherwise.

On the bright side, there's still ten minutes left in the second half. Maybe the writers will take pity on fans such as myself and prove my hypothesis wrong. Maybe. If I wish hard enough.

spoilers, grimm

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