Movin' Movin' Movin', get those boxes movin'

May 18, 2012 20:15

Mkay, so chances are I'll be moving in with Gramma ASAf'nP and my tentative goal is to get at least partially moved in and spend Sunday night at her place. The new bed was set up today, so yay for that, but neither the closet nor the dresser in her guest room have really been cleaned out yet, so that's something I gotta work on. Mostly, though, I really need to clean up here at home before anything. Gus left a mess when he moved to Superior and I was Not Happy when I had to clean it up. So, yeah... Gotta clean up my mess before I move.

And so, we have the return of the To Do list.

* Laundry, INCLUDING sheets and bedding
* Dishes
* Vacuum
* Clean out fridge for sure, cupboards if you have the time
* Dig out full sized sheet set and comforter you have buried in a closet somewhere
* Take trash out and burn it
* Start packing favored Stuff into boxes or bags for the relocation
- Spring and summer clothes
- Books
- DVDs
- Shower and bathroom stuff
- Makeup and hair stuff
- Shoes
- Jackets

* Backup computer just in case
* Power cords and the like
- cell phone
- Nook
- computer
- external hard drive
- digi camera and disk(s)

* Address book

TO BUY - once you have some disposable income. Or, lacking funds for new stuff, there will be lots of garage sales going on this weekend.
* Pillow(s)
* Small coffee maker
* Air purifier
* Bookshelves?
* Clock radio (or steal one of your brothers')
* Possibly a closet organizer thingymabob. Or something.
* Hangers. Some sturdy ones for jackets and a few regular plastic ones to have as extra.

to do, moving, gramma, cleaning

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