(no subject)

Jun 11, 2011 21:11

So, not so queasy that I am unable to eat, but stomach still hasn't been great. No idea what it is - if I was having Boy Issues, I'd blame anxiety because that is kind of what this feels like, but no boys to have issues over - of the two I was worried about, one is happily in the beginnings of another relationship and the other seems content to just be friends as we always have been. So if there is Anxiety, I have no idea what it is about. Finances maybe? Didn't get scheduled for as many hours as I hoped I would at the YMCA (only six hours a week), so the search for another part time job will continue. Have not heard back from the woman I had the phone interview for the GIS job in the City of Dubuque (not that I really thought I would, and I kinda like the idea of being home for the summer), so I might be more desirable locally as a part-time worker without the threat of me up and leaving after a month and a half. One can hope, at least.

job search, ugh, blah

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