(no subject)

May 06, 2011 22:12

Right, so, updateiness.

1 - the job search continues. I applied for three more internships with Geocorps yesterday - one at Grand Canyon, one at Kenai Fjords National Park, and another one somewhere else I can't recall off the top of my head. Not sure if I will get them, but at least I tried, so go me.

2 - Rock and Gem show went okay. Not as well as years past and I only sold a few tumbled rocks for a grand total of three bucks. However, I was able to see a friend I hadn't in awhile, and I got a new polishing cloth.

3 - Today was the first day of the annual town-wide garage sale in our itty bitty village. More than 40 garage sales going on all weekend. Dad went this morning and found a really nice display cabinet for Mom for Mothers Day. I went out this afternoon with the dog and mostly just used it as an excuse to get out and enjoy the nice weather while it lasted, though I did come home with a new hat. Dog also did way better than I expected being around all these "OMG, NEW PEOPLE! OMG, ANOTHER DOG I CAN SNIFF!" He was only wired for the first two garage sales or so, then he calmed down significantly and only got super leash-tuggy when slow moving cars drove by, because he rather loves to chase them. As the sales were winding down as we wandered, this was only an issue a few times. Yay getting outside and getting a ton of exercise! (walked at least four miles all together) Also ran into one of my old babysitters and chatted with her for a few minutes! I did not tell her how old I was, though, because I didn't want to make her feel like an old lady... it was a loooooooong time ago. I think I was 7.

And that is pretty much it. Money is getting super tight so impulse drives into Marshfield to do Stuff are getting too expensive (a round trip is a gallon of gas) to indulge in unless I *really* have something I need to do, and preferably, several somethings to make the trip worth while. And while there has been discussion with A Boy, we have yet to meet in person and I've been pretty clear that I'd rather just do the friend thing. So, yeah, my life is pretty unexciting at the moment and I don't even have much to spam with.

online dating, job search, garage sale, dogs, day summary

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