(no subject)

Feb 17, 2011 20:10

One last field day before I vamoose. We went up to Skookum HMU to pound in stakes marking new irrigation locations, and then I GPSed each one. Fifty stakes total, covering five draws/little gullies. Turned out to be a really nice day to be out on the boat and doing field work, too - actually *sunny* and stuff, which after four days of rain? Was a very nice change. We were at Skookum all morning, and then we hit several of the other HMUs on the way back down river. Saw tons of deer, and at least a half dozen coyotes. Only down side was all the windy roads we drove to get to the HMUs, and me without my Bonine. It wasn't too bad, though, and mostly it was just nice to get outside and actually *enjoy* the nice weather for a change instead of watching it mournfully from my office window.

weather, ice harbor, hiking, internship

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