On B&N Nooks

Feb 08, 2011 12:58

So, I've been toying with the idea of using the money my gramma gave me for Christmas to buy a Nook, but so far I have resisted because $150 is kind of a lot that might go toward better use, especially since I won't have *any* money coming in for at least a month or two once I finish up here in March.

However... with the continuing computer issues annoyance I've been going through, I *also* haven't had much opportunity to access all of the fan fiction/ebooks I have saved on my computer, which has caused me no small source of frustration, especially since many of them are no longer available online, or I can't access where they *are* archived on my work computer because the website is blocked.

So, I pose a question to all you Nook/Kindle owners out there - is it possible to open any kind of Firefox or Internet Explorer file on the Nook? I use the Scrapbook add on for Firefox to store some of my favorite fan fictions on my lap top, which saves the "website" as a web index file that I can open up in Firefox or Internet Explorer even when I don't have access to the internet.

I read that Nooks can handle PDFs, but I don't think that would do me much good as I don't have any kind of PDF converter on my computer even if it is actually possible to save a website as a PDF, which I find unlikely. However, if it is indeed possible, it would definitely tip me over the edge on the "To buy or not to buy, that is the question!" fence.

question, books, kindle, geek

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