(no subject)

Dec 21, 2010 21:32

This morning was my third and hopefully final assistance with the early morning paper route, so yay getting to sleep in tomorrow! Well, in a matter of speaking at least - 5:15 totally qualifies as sleeping in since I've been getting up at 3:30 the last three days.

In other news, I have my holiday cards finished and addressed and good to go, and all of the holiday ornaments I am sending out as well! I just... haven't made the effort to get to the post office yet. So, you know, they might be a bit delayed in the arrival. Just saying.

On the work front, the good news is I have my computer back! The bad news is something went wonky with the install of ArcGIS (which is kind of the program I need to actually do my job and stuff) and I can't access the geodatabase where I've been stashing all of the most up-to-date files, so I still can't do much. The problem should hopefully be fixed by tomorrow or Thursday, though. ::crosses fingers::

Lastly, I have two of the three fic prompt requests finished for my virtual presents! One I am pleased with, the other not so much, and the third is kicking my butt and so far I only have a third of a page written for it, but progress is progress.

holiday cards, writing, mechanical fail, computer, prompts, yuletide

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