(no subject)

Oct 14, 2010 05:55

Last night’s dreams were all about vampire fighting, and The Hoff did not make a single appearance, thank god. Also? I blame this on spending most of the afternoon and evening yesterday reading ghost stories online.

First one I dreamed I was sharing a room with my aunt and my uncle at some spooky hotel where there were rumors of vampires and demons and what not. No clue why we were there, or why I was sharing a room with my aunt and uncle, but that's the wackiness of dreams for you. Anyway, I was in one bed reading and my uncle was in the other doing the same. My aunt had wandered off to use the bathroom - there wasn't one attached to the room - and when I looked up from my book, I noticed that she left the door open out into the hallway. Dream Me knew this was a Very Bad Thing, and of course the moment I realized this, my uncle turned off the bedside lamp he had been using while reading. I still had mine on, but for whatever reason, my bedside lamp had a very weak bulb that was covered by a black shade, so there wasn't a whole lot of light coming from it. Enough to get eerie shadows of the furniture in the room, but that's about it.

Dream me spent a good five minutes staring at the yawning blackness of the open door, hoping my aunt would walk back through but kind of knowing she wouldn't be. A few minutes later I asked my uncle "Um... Would you mind turning the light back on?" His response was a kind of panicked "Please tell me you didn't see anything coming in that door." I heard him shifting on the bed to turn on the light, then I heard him continue in a very matter-of-fact voice "It would appear that no, I cannot turn the lamp back on." In the cliché of horror movies everywhere, the power had been cut.

Not sure what exactly happened after that, but the next thing I recall I was fighting two vampires off with a metal hammer - one looked like Dean from Supernatural, and the other like Gibbs from NCIS. Dean was easy, but Gibbs had some super ninja vampire skills and I wasn't able to take him down before I woke up. Seemed like I was holding my own, though, so I suppose that is something.

Next dream took place at a school or university or the like that I was attending. There was a vampire or demon trying to control people from the school and something about illegal mind altering drugs he was after.

Though some form of stupid heroics, we - myself and two or three other Random Dream Friends - all ended up trapped in some room with the vampire. Being unable to snare us with his freaky mind games - apparently we were all "resistors" - he decided the next best thing would be to shoot everyone up a bit. I got a machine gun across the ankles (I was sprawled out on the floor on my side, like the vamp got all frustrated and threw me aside after the failed mind meld, so at least I wasn’t standing when I got all shot up), another Random Dream Friend got one or two in the leg. The theory was that the pain of being shot would break my concentration and he would be able to hook me with his vampire mojo and have a willing human puppet to do his dastardly deeds around the school, as well as the freedom to blend in and go outside like a normal not dead person. I let him think he had succeeded, and he did some nifty healing trick so I could walk around and stuff, and then he sent me off to go get aforementioned Illegal Mind Altering Drugs from where they had been stashed in the back of someone's car. Instead of going out to retrieve them, though, I wandered around the school aimlessly looking for my chemistry teacher. Getting the drugs and stuff was on my To Do list - after all, the vamp still had my friends hostage - but I was more worried about missing my Chemistry exam and not being able to make it up. It's all about priorities, right?

And then I woke up before I found either my chemistry teacher or the illegal mind altering drugs.

Apparently my subconscious wants to be an urban fantasy writer. All things considered, though, if you take out the Chemistry bit? She actually had a pretty good plot going for her.

dreams, ghost stories, paranormal

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