Experiencing Technical Difficulties

Sep 22, 2010 10:45

I have discovered that if I am willing to wait 5-15 minutes for each and every LJ page to load, I can actually get into it and stuff. Mostly, though, not so much with the patience. But, since I'm here...

The last two days at work LJ has been super slow for me. Like, slower than dial up slow. No clue what is causing this as it does not appear anyone else is having this issue (at least not that I know of or the one LJ maintenance community I did actually wait to load), but it does mean that replying to comments might be awhile. It might just be a work thing, but who knows.

Also, last night our internet provider at the house - Clearwire - apparently was experiencing a state-wide outage, so I couldn't get online at all there. Not sure if the issue has been resolved or not as I didn't check before leaving for work this morning, but it is yet another reason why I haven't been around much the last 36 hours or so.

So, you know, just an FYI for those who are curious.

Also, not spell checking this entry because did I mention the whole 10+ minute loading time? So sorry for any spelling errors.

Hopefully I'll be back soonish as I am kinda going through LJ withdrawl and playing waaaaay to much Farmville because of it.

update, mechanical fail, internet, lj

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