(no subject)

Jul 27, 2010 07:51

So far I am not liking the Weather Channel's new website beta. Takes to long and too many clicks to find all of the weather details like barametric pressure, dew point and humidity and all that jazz because I am a weather geek and I want me my details, dammit!

On the bright side, YAY RAIN! Okay, it really isn't that much, and even *less* of that is actually reaching the ground, but it is overcast and there are patchy, tiny rain showers here and there all over the area, so I'll take what I can get.

Also, since we're on the subject of beta changes/websites and what not, I am also really not that fond of LJ's new way of tagging entries on the website. Used to be I could start typing something and the rest of the word - provided there was already a tag for it - would show up highlighted in the little tag text box, and I could just push the right arrow button to get finish the word and move on to the next tag. Now you start typing and a drop down box shows up with all the possible tags, and if you click on any of them, whatever tags you had already written in the text box disappeared. Not on, LJ. Give me back my old tagging feature!

weather, i miss the rain, lj

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