So today is the "company" picnic (required attendance), which starts at 11:30, so another hour and a half or so, and the rest of the day (we started at 7, so the first four and half hours or so) is supposed to be an easy and/or fun 'work' day where no actual work is required to get done unless you really want to work on something.
Me, I'm not at all behind, but I still came in this morning in hopes of finishing a few odds and ends before the picnic cause I'm going to be in Dwarshak, Idaho all next week for training, and I wanted to at least finish drawing in the boundaries for all of the HMUs upriver from Ice Harbor Dam, and maybe finish the ones that are below the dam, too, to get a complete list of all the HMUs on the Snake River that Ice Harbor is in charge of.
Instead, I have spent the entire morning emailing people and fooling around online.
Motivation, I haz nun. ::enter appropriate lolcatz/loldogz image here::
ETA Sometime this afternoon, courtesy of Emma
And this one courtesy of my own dive into the cheezeburger archives, even though I'm not actually at work not doing any work anymore. ;)
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Lolcats and funny pictures