Mar 24, 2010 05:55
Hmm... I don't know if it is because I am now significantly closer to the Pacific coast or some other random subconscious reason, but last night I did not sleep because I kept having dreams that we were living on a huge magma chamber ala Yellow Stone, only this one *was* showing signs of going all Mount Saint Helens on our ass. I even recall having/wondering if i would be having a Pierce Brosnan Moment (from Dantae's Peak) and standing in front of everyone doing the "I'm a geologist; I *know* exactly how bad things could get, and we need to move!", and we all started evacuating. Or... possibly there was talk of evacuating and I was driving someone to the train station/airport. And then all of a sudden *I* was the one who was supposed to be getting on the airplane to go home and I was incredibly miffed at myself for not bringing a book to read on the long flight, and I was wondering if it would be worth it to spend money and add a few books to my Kindle (PC version) to read on the way.
So, apparently my Inner Dream Disaster Maker has flipped from tornadoes to volcanoes. Iiiiinteresting...
And now I really need to start getting ready for work.
wtf brain