(no subject)

Mar 11, 2010 19:01

Oh, hey, I haven't posted since Monday.

First off - Manda is here! We braved the rain and the fog and went to retrieve her in La Cross yesterday morning, and then we found some lunch at a Chinese place and drove around the area a bit. Hit Fort McCoy on the way back home to get my "Access Card". I have no idea what it gives me access too, but darn it, I gots one! Still hoping for the travel reimbursement debit card before we leave on Monday, but I'm thinking it ain't gonna happen.

Today I took Manda too the Marshfield YMCA cause our facility kicks the Saint Cloud facility's ass. We swam maybe five laps before we got distracted sharing YMCA horror stories with Kristin, a friend of mine and the current Aquatics Director at the Y. Ran into Mom in the locker room as we were heading out - she had to lifeguard at 1:00 pm - and then went to McDonald's for a SHAMROCK SHAKE, YAY! and some actual lunch and stuff. Then we went to Thimbleberry Books and I spent an hour or so snuggled in the comfy chairs Kim keeps in front of the fire place while Manda browsed.

Got home around 4:00 pm, at which point we crashed like a mad crashing thing and I had a bunch of weird half-dreams. Now we are feeding out internet addictions and waiting for dinner. All in all, it was a pretty darned fun day.

swimming, manda, yay, day summary, ymca

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