Meme Revival! Five Years Meme

Mar 04, 2010 21:25

Original Entry

Three months ago I had just sprained my ankle, bad enough that it still isn't 100% healed today. I had also finally given in to multiple promptings to watch the first episode of Eastwick, and I was both duly impressed and unsure if I could handle Fraser as a Bad Guy. However, getting to see him wet was *totally* worth it.

Six months ago I was just starting my last semester as an undergrad and continuing my Paleolimnology internship as an independent study for college credits. Also, Wisconsin was under an Air Quality Advisory for the first time I recalled in the 25 years I have lived here.

Nine months ago I was really missing Rainbow Falls and had water(parks) on the brain. Also, Sleestack are Scary.

One year ago it was a beeea-uuu-ti-ful spring day and I was stuck in classes from 9 am until 5:30 pm and having a huge " Oh, *fuck*!" moment because I had been convinced all day that my Mineralogy test was in the afternoon, not early morning.

Two years ago, sex toys had been legalized in Texas and everyone was celebrating by writing sex-toy drabbles!

Three years ago, I was home from Saint Cloud for a much needed Spring Break.

Four years ago, I was ded from the cute. AND I had a shiny new laptop that made me glee and name it Shadowlite!

Four and a half years ago, you had boobs! And an adorable puppy dog, but at least you still have the latter. ;)

Five years ago, Grampa was home from the hospital, mom had the flu, and I was about to get together with Dana for some hot tubbing.

meme, random, emma, old posts, lj

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