Going through old entries. Posting some of the highlights because I AM BORED, OMG!
I was on a bit of an Anita Blake kick in Summer 2005. I
geeked over the books often and
ranted about the new covers.
According to Nicole,
ovens are evil. And then I porned cup cakes with Star Wars. Because I am just that talented.
interesting stuff my friends posted in their journals, one of which being
Pic Spam Entry in which she requested pictures down people's shirts, among other things. Also, I give you material from said pic spam.
Out of context:
"Wow, riding Purplesaurusrex sure is a moving experience!"
"Oh, yeah! Even the ground is moving!"
"Hang on! I'll take you to Scorch in no time!"
In context:
And I think that's as good a spot as any to stop. Hurrah, up to June 2005!