(no subject)

Feb 06, 2010 15:03

I went swimming for the first time since Manda was here! Mom had to work at the Marshfield YMCA today for a whopping two hours, so I decided to tag along because I hate that I'm not getting much (if any) exercise of any sort anymore. I haven't gained much more weight, but I know I'm losing muscle tone and stuff and I miss having an excuse to walk everywhere these days.

Anyway, came in with mom and swam a few laps. I did manage to swim the 500 plus three or four additional laps as a cool down, but man did it feel sloppy. My ankle, which is pretty much healed but still has a few "ow" moments decided it really didn't like the whole flippy-kick motion you're supposed to use for the flutter kick (legs straight, momentum coming from an ever so slight bend of the knee and flick of the ankles; aka, the kick you are supposed to use with the front and back crawls). My shoulder, which I also randomly hurt around the same time I twisted my ankle, wasn't too happy about the elbow-up-and-out-of-the-water-reach-forward motion needed to do the front crawl properly, so yeah, my front crawl - which is usually on of my strongest strokes - looked pretty crappy today. I was still able to do the breast stroke relatively neatly, though, so that was good. Swimming the 500 (yards) did take me a bit longer than it used to, but seeing as I haven't gone swimming, well, *at all* in over 6 months, the fact that I could still make it without stopping made me happy.

Now the question is whether or not I can keep this whole "exercise" thing up. I love swimming, but I am shallow and don't want to start doing it on a regular basis again because it completely fries your hair. Maybe with enough motivation I'll start working out again, especially now that I know my membership here at the Marshfield YMCA is still good.

Now, though, I am waiting for Mom to finish up and taking advantage of the YMCA's free wireless. Yay free wireless!

swimming, ow, ymca

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