(no subject)

Jan 14, 2010 17:36

Allergies are having a hay day (ha, almost sort of pun!) and I feel generally icky and sneezy and sniffley, but as of the moment I am all moved back home and all of my clothes have been put away (at least all of my clean clothes - there is a whole big bag of dirty laundry to deal with still, and I'm really hoping I'll be able to find a space for those, too, considering how stuffed my wardrobe and dresser currently are). Still got a bunch of *other* stuff to find a place for, but at least I have the Point house cleaned out.

Now, however, I am going to plop down on the couch and grab my computer and wait for the allergy medication I took about 45 minutes ago to kick in. ::sneezes:: ::snarffles:: Ugh, allergies... I did not miss you at all.

home, allergies, moving, clothes

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