(no subject)

Jan 11, 2010 15:11

Note to self - Don't lose the hair scrunchy you are using right now! All the rest of them are packed away or at home, so if you lose it, you will be dealing with hair in your face for the next few days.

That said, in a desperate bid to get out of the house and away last night (also a huge craving for Chinese food), I drove up to Wausau on a whim and crashed with mah Emmies for a few hours. We went out for a Chinese buffet with her parents, and then we watched YouTube (mostly Whose Line Bloopers) and ripped on Thumbelina until 2:30 in the morning. Good times!

Alas, I still had a bunch of packing and stuff to do here today, so I headed back to point around 10:00 this morning. On the moving front, I have almost everything that can be boxed up boxed up, minus a few odds and ends that I'm still using or that I don't want stuffed into a box and forgotten about (as is apt to happen when a person moves - non-important stuff gets put into whatever box is handy and then does not see the light of day ever again). Plan is to take another load of stuff home tomorrow in the Colt and see if I can get Dad's help removing the back seat so I can start on the furniture next trip, or see if Gus's truck is in working order. Ah, the joys of moving.

sleepy, emmies, moving, packing, day summary

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