(no subject)

Aug 23, 2009 21:24

We were able to sleep in! Finally! Yay us! I got up at 9:30ish, and Manda got up around 11. Of course, that might because we went to the dance club last night. Yay dancing! Also, I beat Manda at pool! Only because she knocked in the 8 ball, though. Still, go me.

Other than sleeping in, today we did a whole lot of nothin'. Tried to wander Main Street, but it pretty much shuts down on Sundays. Did go to the book store and the Art Village, though, so it wasn't a total loss. Then we spent an hour or two making sand castles at the itty bitty beach near Mead Park. Mine looked like a very short, stubby rocket. Manda's looked like a kinda weird siesta hat. Or a volcano. Or something. Anyway, we were so engrossed in our sandy creativity that we almost missed dinner with a few friends at El Mezcal. Which, considering I was the one who encouraged the "Lets get together for dinner!" thing, missing it might've shown bad form. Still, we made it and we were only a minute or two late. Despite the almost late start, though, dinner was hella fun. It was myself, Manda, Tracy, Val, Dustin and Dan. It ended up being a very dirty-minded evening, which are totally the best kind. Also, my shrimp nachos were really good.

Back at Point house now. I gave new roommates dog a bath while Manda worked out. I did not think it was possible for a dog to lose that much hair without having a few huge bald spots; seriously, there was probably enough left in the bathtub after I finished to make another dog. And holy cow did she *stink* - wet dog with gas in a small room with poor ventilation. Haley (roommate) was going to give me 5 bucks for giving Abby (dog) a bath; I might charge her more just for the stink-factor I suffered through, and the clean up I had to do after I finished.

roommates, friends, manda, dirty minded, dogs, food, day summary

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