In which there was lots of walking and a little swimming

Aug 21, 2009 19:41

Today in bullet points:
* Got up too early (curse you internal early-bird clock)
* Went out for breakfast at Perkins
* Walked around Stevens Point a bunch, even though we only initially intended to walk to Perkins and back. Ended up going to UWSP after Perkins cause it was only a few blocks away and I wanted to show Manda around a bit more. Spent an hour or so there reading posters and showing her the dirt I've been playing with all summer. She thought it was cool. YAY dirt!
* Walked back to Kmart (across the parking lot from Perkins) in search of goggles and a swim cap cause Manda left hers in Saint Cloud
* Walked back out of Kmart 10 minutes later because they didn't have any goggles or swim caps (made both of us go "Seriously? Not even one little corner?")
* Walked back to Point house

Probably ended up walking around 3 miles total, give or take. On not a lot of sleep. Made for a very tired pair, but yay exercise!

* Stopped at the Point house long enough to get our swim gear
* headed back to UWSP to try and swim in the pool there. Found out it was closed until school starts. Sadness
* Went to YMCA instead. Found out both of our cards worked, even if the membership wasn't at the Point YMCA, so that was kinda nice
* Swam there for about an hour. Both Manda and I had a very hard time not-lifeguarding. Curse you, YMCA training!
* Came back to Point House long enough toss our wet swim suits and stuff in the dryer and grab a granola bar before heading to the grocery store for food
* Spent too much at the grocery store, but whatever, I'm not spending any other money this week cause all the stuff I've planned is free. I can totally splurge without feeling as guilty as I would otherwise.
* Back to Point house for dinner and Live Free or Die Hard, which remains to be awesome, and which Amanda also thought was awesome
* New roommate got home about halfway through movie, discovered Amanda is also an avid Martial Artist, and they bonded over beating people up.

And lo, all of a sudden it is 7:00 pm and we're all "Woah, where did the day go?" You know, for a day I hadn't really thought we would have much to do, we did an awful lot.

Tomorrow, Hartman Creek!

roommates, swimming, manda, sleep deprived, day summary, uwsp

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