(no subject)

Aug 03, 2009 02:00

It is storming. Kind of a lot. And this storm is making me nervous - it was just upped to a severe thunderstorm, and there is a rather lot of lightning. Haven't dealt with irrational paranoia about a storm in awhile, but I am not so ashamed to admit (okay, maybe a little ashamed*) that I am working the irrational paranoia thing right about now. Especially with all the "Severe thunderstorm warning" messages breaking into the music station I am currently listening to.

* As a child, I was terrified of thunderstorms. Like, a lot - just the threat of one coming toward us would usually make me sick with worry, particularly severe storms with a risk of tornadoes. As I got older and realized how cool storms were thanks to my dad - in fact, they are what inspired me to do the meteorology major thing eventually, even if that didn't pan out - I wasn't nearly as afraid of them, but I never fully got 100% over my fear. At least 90%, definitely, but right now, that other 10% is making itself known.


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