Jul 24, 2009 16:36
Having a job is almost worse for my spending habits than not having one is, because I know I have money in the bank and therefore I end up spending a lot more than I really should. Like, for example, the 99 bucks I just spent at Walmart.
Okay, so that's not technically true - I only spent 39 bucks at Walmart, but I also got $60 cash back for the weekend since a group of us are going to Milwaukee, where we are going on a brewery boat tour - $28 each - and probably going out for dinner as well - ~$15 each. We might also be staying at a hotel tomorrow night, so that will probably be another $25 if we do.
On the bright side, I did just get paid today. And most of the stuff at Walmart I did kind of need - tampons, body wash, and scrunchies since all of mine are super stretched out, for example. What I didn't need but had been wanting for awhile now was another pair of pajama pants; I did not need to spend an additional two dollars to get the Transformers pajama pants, though. I also did not need the shimmery face and body powder I picked up for $7 bucks (yes, I brought more makeup. I am so ashamed).
And now I am off to pack the non-clothing stuff for this weekend, like shampoo and entertainment stuff since there is a good chance I will be sitting in the Milwaukee Brewer's parking lot while everyone else goes to the game on Sunday. To bring my computer or not to bring my computer, that is the question...