(no subject)

Jul 10, 2009 22:12

In a fit of I Want Greasy Bad For You Food, I called Dana on a whim to see if she and Uriah would be interested in meeting someplace Chinese for dinner. She was game, so I drove all the way to Marshfield for a Chinese buffet. Alas, they did not have any dumplings - which is what I was craving most - but still, good food and good friends makes the 45 minute drive totally worth it. We talked about sex toys and melons (of the fruit-and-otherwise) variety, and got a lot of strange looks from the people seated at the table next to us. They seemed more amused than anything, though, so I don't feel *too* badly for spicing up their dinner a bit. I am now also going to a sex toy party with Dana on the 20th. Good times.

I also randomly decided to head out to see if I could surprise my parents at home. Hadn't planned on going home at all - I was just going to head back to Point after dinner, but I figure I'm better than halfway there and it seems kind of a waste of gas money to drive to Marshfield just to eat Chinese food, so home I went. Watched the first episode of Kung Fu with my parents (who were, indeed, surprised to see me) and then sat on the back porch with Mom and Dad watching the family of kitties who have taken up residence in their garage frolic and play around. None of them will let anyone get close as of yet, but Mom has been trying to make friends by feeding them a mix of cat food and milk every night. With Niner gone now, I think Mom and Dad are hoping they'll stick around and help out with the rodent population. Only time will tell, but for now they seem content to stay.

Left to head back to Point around 9:00 pm. The drive back was spectacularly pretty. I saw fireflies in the field! And frogs hopping across the road! I hope I didn't hit too many of them - there were quite a few braving the Great Pavement. Also, I got a front-row seat to watch a line of storms build up over the Stevens Point area. Up until the last 5 or so miles outside of the city, I was able to watch the pretty lightning show out Coyote's front windshield. It was very cool. And Yay, we finally got some rain! Not much, but every little bit helps.

storm, friends, dirty minded, uriah, parents, weather, dana, kung fu, day summary, food

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