Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen

Jun 24, 2009 21:43

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has gotten horrible reviews. Don't believe them. If you liked the first movie, there is a very good chance you will like the second one. There are a few not-so-great bits - the Ice Cream Twins are morons and a bit over the top, Bumblebee is kind of annoying for the first 10 minutes or so (but he gets much better, I promise), and the Quirky Parental Escapades are also a little over done (but still extremely funny); otherwise, the movie was *fantastic*. There is a lot more back story, a plot beyond "ZOMIGOD, IT'S MEGATRON! SAVE THE ALL-SPARK!", the CGI is *phenomenal*, and there were a whole bunch more explosions (because those are the best part, doncha know). Yeah, there were corny bits and scenes I could've done without. Humping was a bit of a running theme, which got old after the first time Mojo mounted the other dog. There were also rather a lot of sex jokes, both subtle and not-so-subtle. Me thinks Michael Bay was maybe a bit horny when he was directing this. Or just reliving his dirty-minded adolescent days , but there were plenty of those in the first movie, too, which still managed to kick some serious ass.

Over all, I really loved this movie and was pleasantly surprised. I went into the theater not sure whether the movie would live up to all the hype, much less come anywhere close to living up to it's predecessor, but in the words of my friend Jason, "it totally blew the first movie out of the water!" While I might not go *quite* that far with it, Revenge of the Fallen is at least on par with the awesomeness of the first movie, possibly even surpassing it.

Long and the short of it - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is totally worthy of a loud and heart-felt "AWESOME!"

transformers, geek, awesome, movies

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