(no subject)

Apr 03, 2009 20:45

Arrg, body... lay off the hormones already. We are not due for hormonal-ness for at least another three days.

In other news, I got a rather strong urge for some one on one time with Coyote (not like that, you perves - I'm not *that* hormonal. I love my car, but I don't *love* my car), so we drove around randomly for an hour or so, him purring along all content-sounding and me listing to my "driving music" and tapping the beat out on his steering wheel. It was a nice drive, and I found this really cool little way-side kind of park right next to one of the dams just outside of town on the Wisconsin River. It appeared to be a pretty popular fishing spot, too. Will have to remember it next time I have a friend in town - I imagine there might be some cool trails around there, too.

Also, earlier today I got it in my head to make some potstickers from scratch, so I hit the grocery store for the ingredients we didn't already have (ground pork, green onion, and cabbage). Of course by the time I got back home, the inclination to actually go through the effort had faded (not to mention the need to wash the pan I was planning on using), but the stuff is in the fridge now and I'm hoping I'll get around to it tomorrow.

hormonal, food, car

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