(no subject)

Mar 09, 2009 19:53

As of 6:21 pm Monday, March 9

Wow, I miss choir. Three years of no music, and where as I used to be able to hit high A or B, now I don't think I can even make it to the top of the treble clef anymore.

Maybe there's a community choir I can join during the summer.

Other Woe:
- Can't load LJ. Woe.
- Mineralogy test tomorrow. Me thinks I'm not going to do so hot on it.
- Bunch of Chem problems to finish tonight so I can take the quiz tomorrow and not, like, completely and totally fail it.

7:40 pm

Watching Chuck. I know the whole point of the show is Chuck getting into trouble and Casey and Sarah coming in to save him, but would it kill the writers to at least give Chuck some sort of hand-to-hand training? He doesn't need a gun - in fact, I just can't see him as the gun type, but being able to give his would-be-kidnappers an elbow in the face or a nice handy leg-swipe, even as a distraction, would totally not go amiss. He can still get into trouble and not stay in the car, but dude, his head is full of Top Secret Stuff, and he's like the government's number one commodity at this point, so being able to at least fight back might, you know, keep him alive in case Sarah or Casey can't get there in time to save him. And, you know, would it be a crime to have him save himself sometimes?


HIYEEEEEE ROBERT! Glad to see you found work after SGA. Actually, I imagine you will be one of the few who doesn't have trouble finding work, but still.

Also, YAY, LJ is working again!

music, chemistry, woe, chuck, mineralogy, lj

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