Feb 28, 2009 14:32
Today, I have done the dishes and most of my laundry.
I have not, however, touched the Huge GIS Project of Doom that is due on Monday and that will probably take *at least* three or four more hours to finish. I have also not even glanced at the Chemistry homework I need to finish by Tuesday in order to take a quiz on it (we're finally learning actual chemistry, which kind of sucks. We're up to the mass-to-mole conversions and vice versa, which I know I'll understand if I actually spend a few hours and *look* at them, but so far I haven't. I hate chemistry).
Yeah, I don't know how I've managed to maintain a 3.3-3.5 gpa, either.
Making use of my leet procrastination skillzz, I've spent the day reading, and when I got tired of that, watched another episode of Due South. I gotta say, The Duel is probably my favorite season 2 episode. I mean, All the Queens Horses rocks in it's own way (though I admit to not being as shippy about The Kiss anymore; I just think singing mounties are awesome), but The Duel is all about riddles and sociopaths and Ray V being the one to save the day this time. Good Stuff, yo.
Ooooh, hey... I just remembered that I haven't watched this week's Chuck yet, either. Viva La Procrastination!
gis i,
due south