(no subject)

Feb 26, 2009 11:50

There is a big white, pink and green (with bits of yellow and red) mass coming toward us. Map. The various weather websites and programs I use agree in that the predicted snow fall will range in the 7-10 inches. Also, according to radar, it looks like our area in particular gets an additional treat of freezing rain or a wintry mix before all the snow hits. Good times, ya'll.

On the bright side, one of my classes is canceled tomorrow because the teacher has to be at a conference of some sort all day, and the other is canceled because of the icky weather. So, I get a three day weekend. Nice.

Also found out that we have another week on the huge GIS Project of Doom, so thats kind of nice. I still want to try and get it done by lab on Monday, but I have a week of wiggle room if I don't.

classes, storm, weather, snow, wisconsin, gis i, winter

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