More * points

Jan 30, 2009 16:34

* I hate my uterus. I want to stab it.

* I had a dream last night that we were back at my dad's old store, only it wasn't a store it was a house, and it wasn't us it was one of those random dream families, and it was being haunted by three teenage boys who looked remarkably like the human, non-cartoon version of the Animaniacs.

* I have a headache.

* I hate the Double Stuffed commercials

* I *despise* the new Geico commercials with the money and plastic eyes. I want to stab the TV whenever those come on.

* I should probably eat something other than Pringles and muffin mix.

* I want a pair of jeans that actually fit. Or, rather, I want the clothes making companies to get their act together and make clothes with the same size on their tag, oh, I don't know, *the same size*, and *then* I want a pair of jeans. I have, like, four pairs of pants ranging from size 9 to size 13 that I actually wear. It is annoying.

Stopping now. At least until I have more stuff to stab * point

dreams, ow, headache, wtf, clothes, bite me, annoying, pms

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