(no subject)

Dec 15, 2008 04:20

Alright, *now* I am worried. It's 4:13 in the morning and I haven't actually slept yet, and at this point, I doubt I will. I'm actually making myself all sick feeling like with nerves and anxiety, which still isn't a pleasant feeling. And it doesn't help one bit that it is extremely nasty outside, with the winds roaring loud enough to hear quite clearly outside my window, even over the sound of the radio and the air purifier going at medium speed. 3 degrees F with wind speeds averaging 20 mph, creating a wind chill of -18 degrees. Icky.

I was going to play with my computer in hopes of distracting myself, but so far it's not working all that great. Not to mention, you know, having my arms above the blankets is only making me colder. So, I'm going to curl up and *try* to get at least an hour of sleep now, but mostly I'm thinking I'll just be staying warm. Arrg, I hate finals.

anxious, winter, cold, finals, weather, ugh, arrgh, wisconsin, sick

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