(no subject)

Dec 14, 2008 10:24

Oh, yeah, and yesterday I had an Emmies for an hour! She and her parents were on their way back from Rudolph with dogs and cheese (and wasn't *that* a fun combination in an enclosed vehicle) and wanted to hit one of their favorite restaurants here in Point. Emmies called around 5:00ish yesterday afternoon and asked "Hey, do you want to go to dinner with us? We're 10 minutes away!" So, I went out with Emmies and Daddy A and her mom at Bill's. Daddy A started feeling kinda icky before the food got there, so he went outside to sit with the dogs so that was kinda sad, but I got an Emmies for an hour! And leftovers I can eat for lunch/breakfast today since I only got up at quarter to 10 and I haven't eaten anything yet.

That said, I have to finish my last two homework assignments for Sedimentology. Don't wanna.

4,000th entry!

friends, sedimentology, homework, emmies

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