cold, SING OUT LOOOOUD!, Girls Night In update

Dec 12, 2008 09:03

* It is -2 outside. Sunny, but bitchin' cold. Don't wanna walk to school.

* Ooo, Goo Goo Dolls "Better Days" is on my radio! Haven't heard that one for awhile ("awhile" being since it was played religiously eleventymillion times a day on the radio about a year or two ago. Still like the song, though, and kinda wish I had it in MP3 format - what can I say, I love the "AND SING OUT LOUD" part cause I do that a lot, especially when I am in the house alone. I miss choir)

* Girls Night In people, the date is still up in the air. I have two who won't be able to make it on the 21st cause they have family stuff, but I haven't heard any conflicts with anyone else. If there are, *please* let me know - like I said, nothing is set in stone, and it wouldn't be hard to push the date back another week or two. Let me know what you think.

* On that same note, still looking for movie lists and AIM names. If you haven't already, please post your movie list and your AIM name here

::wanders off to find some layers::

ETA 9:44
I actually caught the bus, so I didn't have to walk to school in -2 degrees F! However, my toes are still cold.

In one of the school computer labs right now cause I'm a dutiful student - even if it is the last day of classes and no one else is probably going to show up. Sooooo don't want to be here.

end of semester, music, weather, girls night in, winter

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